By now, you've probably heard or felt the cosmic shift that happened at the March Equinox. Indeed, it's quite an exciting time in the cosmos since the Goddess of Love arrived, well over a year and a half earlier than was expected, on the December solstice, December 21, 2012. However, it can also be a confusing time, as if you're holding on to the past. Nothing seems to work, or at least not for long.
Coax Out Your Love
The Moon Goddess, the Goddess of Love and Aquarius, the facilitator of all the zodiac signs for the next 2100 years, are working closely together as a team to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to develop all the positive qualities that the Goddess of Love is emitting. First, you have to coax out your love that is hidden underneath the rubble, the pain and the hurts. Caring is the quality of the Goddess of Love that is being emphasized this year to develop, starting with caring for yourself. Only then will the love inside of you trust you to emerge.
Your Zodiac Sun Sign
Aquarius is busily facilitating each of the zodiac signs shift from their masculine articulation to their feminine, Goddess expressions. What that means to you is, the Zodiac sign that sponsored your birth and that you are a transmitter for your entire life, will be making this shift during its time on the Zodiac stage. As this occurs, your zodiac sign will then be transmitting its energies through its feminine aspect which will start your own shift whatever gender you are, to being a full-on participant in this matriarch inspired time. Get ready, it's a bigger shift than you might realize!
Embrace the Changes
Aries the Ram has already turned over to Aries the Ewe Goddess. Likewise, Taurus the Bull has also acquiesced to Taurus the Cow Goddess. In hindsight we can look back and review our experiences during their time on the zodiac stage and embrace the changes. Many astrologers that are tuned in to this cosmic shift are now only doing astrological charts this zodiac year, 2011-12, for the zodiac signs once they have had their time on the cosmic stage and already gone through these transformations.
Your Sun Sign Guided Your Destiny
Also know, during the Goddess of Love's matriarch reign, you will be learning to develop and express your feelings as well as unfolding your intuition. During the God of Will's patriarch civilization, developing your power and your strength through your mind and body were more paramount. Naturally, your Sun sign was most important and guided you to your destiny.
Your Current Learning Curve
Now that the Goddess of Love is here, the shift is to your emotions and intuition. When these aspects of you are truly developed, you'll be expressing yourself from the Goddess part of you. That's your current learning curve, whether you realize it or not, developing those aspects of you.
Moon Goddess Major Player
The Moon Goddess is a major player during this matriarch civilization which has now begun. At the Moon Goddess's New and Full Moons, her moonbeams naturally activate your feelings and begin to strip away your intuition. Learn how to consciously embrace her moonbeams to move into the new era in a loving way. With Aquarius guiding her, the Moon Goddess developed a magical seven day formula teaching you just how to connect with her. Three days before, prepare your physical, emotional, and mind; the fourth day, receive and three days afterward confirm and implement.
Moon Goddess Steering You
You want to fully grasp your Moon Sign and fully understand how it affects your behavior, especially your relationships. Now it's your Moon Sign that is steering you toward your destiny more than your Sun Sign. If it doesn't feel good, no matter what rational reasoning you are given, you probably won't go forward.
Time to Develop Inner Senses
Of course, to fully comprehend your Moon Sign, you'll need to wait until that zodiac sign has made the shift to its feminine expression. For example, if your Moon is in Capricorn, you'll need to see how you really feel once Capricorn is in progress or has finished its time on the zodiac stage. However, comprehending belongs to your mind and now is a time to develop your inner senses, especially your feelings. The more you become adept at embracing the Moon Goddess's energies, the easier this transition will become.
Mercury Awakens Your Intuitive Nature
Also, once you become adept at dealing with your feelings, much like a pianist becomes skilled at running her fingers over the piano producing beautiful music, Mercury in your chart becomes highly activated. Mercury awakens your intuitive nature.
Moon Goddess's June New and Full Times
The Moon Goddess's New Moon is June 1, 2011 at 2:03 pm PDT. To connect with her requires you to tune into your inner senses, your feelings as you won't see her in the sky. It's her dark moon time. Her Full Moon is on June 15, 2011 at 1:14 pm PDT. As these two times occur during Gemini's tenure on the zodiac stage, Gemini's energies will be greatly amplified by the Moon Goddess. This will enable Aquarius to help Gemini make the shift from the masculine twins to the feminine Goddess twins.
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