vineri, 3 iunie 2011

Love Compatibility Horoscope - Waste of Time, or Worth Its Weight in Gold?

Are you thinking about getting a love compatibility horoscope done, but are afraid it'll turn out to be a total waste of time? If so, you're not alone. But let me ask you this?

Are you tired of being alone (or worse, are you tired of being with the one you're with)? Are you tired of kissing frogs, hoping they'll turn out to be Prince Charming, but they only turn out to be another frog? Are you tired of going through the motions of dating, only to wind up disappointed again and again?

Again, you're not alone, but let me ask you this?
Are you open to the idea that there's a better way? That -- in an infinite universe -- the answers you seek are already out there, waiting for you? That those answers include the keys to happiness and love and everything good, and that -- if you could only find them -- that those answers can show you where you've been going wrong in your search for "Mr. Right?"

If you answered yes to most of those questions, you're pretty much where I was in my life, ten years ago, when the most amazing thing happened to me after I'd just about lost hope of ever finding my true soul mate...

So, just what is a love compatibility horoscope?
Just what it sounds like, really; it's a horoscope reading done with the express purpose of helping you see what you really need in a relationship, where you may have been going astray in getting that to manifest in your life, why you may have allowed yourself to do that, and how to let go of those self-defeating patterns once and for all.

Are all love compatibility horoscope readings pretty much the same?
On a high level, they all have the same basic purpose, but the techniques used are as diverse as can be: some love psychics use complex astrological charts and calculations that would make your head swim, some use tarot cards, some use no exterior aids at all; preferring to rely on their own experience and intuitive understanding to provide you with the guidance you seek.

Does the reader have to know everything about me and my current partner to get an accurate reading? What if I'm not even in a relationship right now?
There are some people (even some very highly-regarded readers) who insist that, without complete information about someone's partner, it's simply impossible to get an accurate compatibility reading. But there are plenty of others who say that if they had to know everything about both partners, they'd never be able to do a reading at all. And as to the second question, if you're between relationships right now, obviously you couldn't provide any information on your partner, could you?

The bottom line is, a truly gifted reader will be able to give you guidance regardless of whether he or she knows anything about your current partner or not. In fact, a truly gifted reader should be able to give you guidance that will help you find your soul mate, whether that turns out to be your current partner or someone you haven't even met yet!

In my own experience, having a love compatibility horoscope done almost ten years ago was the first step to discovering my true soul mate (or, I should say, re-discovering my true soul mate), and it was not my current partner at the time the reading was done (even though we were very much in love). But this is already running very long, so I won't go into that whole story now.

The point is, the same thing could happen to YOU!
But be careful; all readers are NOT equal in ability: the better the reader, the better the reading. But I can honestly say that if you're feeling unsatisfied with your romantic life right now, whether it's because you're wondering whether you and your current partner are truly compatible, or you're between relationships and hoping to do better the next time around, a love compatibility horoscope could be the best present you could give yourself right now.

Your Moon Sign, Not Your Sun Sign, Steering You Now!

By now, you've probably heard or felt the cosmic shift that happened at the March Equinox. Indeed, it's quite an exciting time in the cosmos since the Goddess of Love arrived, well over a year and a half earlier than was expected, on the December solstice, December 21, 2012. However, it can also be a confusing time, as if you're holding on to the past. Nothing seems to work, or at least not for long.

Coax Out Your Love
The Moon Goddess, the Goddess of Love and Aquarius, the facilitator of all the zodiac signs for the next 2100 years, are working closely together as a team to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to develop all the positive qualities that the Goddess of Love is emitting. First, you have to coax out your love that is hidden underneath the rubble, the pain and the hurts. Caring is the quality of the Goddess of Love that is being emphasized this year to develop, starting with caring for yourself. Only then will the love inside of you trust you to emerge.

Your Zodiac Sun Sign
Aquarius is busily facilitating each of the zodiac signs shift from their masculine articulation to their feminine, Goddess expressions. What that means to you is, the Zodiac sign that sponsored your birth and that you are a transmitter for your entire life, will be making this shift during its time on the Zodiac stage. As this occurs, your zodiac sign will then be transmitting its energies through its feminine aspect which will start your own shift whatever gender you are, to being a full-on participant in this matriarch inspired time. Get ready, it's a bigger shift than you might realize!

Embrace the Changes
Aries the Ram has already turned over to Aries the Ewe Goddess. Likewise, Taurus the Bull has also acquiesced to Taurus the Cow Goddess. In hindsight we can look back and review our experiences during their time on the zodiac stage and embrace the changes. Many astrologers that are tuned in to this cosmic shift are now only doing astrological charts this zodiac year, 2011-12, for the zodiac signs once they have had their time on the cosmic stage and already gone through these transformations.

Your Sun Sign Guided Your Destiny
Also know, during the Goddess of Love's matriarch reign, you will be learning to develop and express your feelings as well as unfolding your intuition. During the God of Will's patriarch civilization, developing your power and your strength through your mind and body were more paramount. Naturally, your Sun sign was most important and guided you to your destiny.

Your Current Learning Curve
Now that the Goddess of Love is here, the shift is to your emotions and intuition. When these aspects of you are truly developed, you'll be expressing yourself from the Goddess part of you. That's your current learning curve, whether you realize it or not, developing those aspects of you.

Moon Goddess Major Player
The Moon Goddess is a major player during this matriarch civilization which has now begun. At the Moon Goddess's New and Full Moons, her moonbeams naturally activate your feelings and begin to strip away your intuition. Learn how to consciously embrace her moonbeams to move into the new era in a loving way. With Aquarius guiding her, the Moon Goddess developed a magical seven day formula teaching you just how to connect with her. Three days before, prepare your physical, emotional, and mind; the fourth day, receive and three days afterward confirm and implement.

Moon Goddess Steering You
You want to fully grasp your Moon Sign and fully understand how it affects your behavior, especially your relationships. Now it's your Moon Sign that is steering you toward your destiny more than your Sun Sign. If it doesn't feel good, no matter what rational reasoning you are given, you probably won't go forward.

Time to Develop Inner Senses
Of course, to fully comprehend your Moon Sign, you'll need to wait until that zodiac sign has made the shift to its feminine expression. For example, if your Moon is in Capricorn, you'll need to see how you really feel once Capricorn is in progress or has finished its time on the zodiac stage. However, comprehending belongs to your mind and now is a time to develop your inner senses, especially your feelings. The more you become adept at embracing the Moon Goddess's energies, the easier this transition will become.

Mercury Awakens Your Intuitive Nature
Also, once you become adept at dealing with your feelings, much like a pianist becomes skilled at running her fingers over the piano producing beautiful music, Mercury in your chart becomes highly activated. Mercury awakens your intuitive nature.

Moon Goddess's June New and Full Times
The Moon Goddess's New Moon is June 1, 2011 at 2:03 pm PDT. To connect with her requires you to tune into your inner senses, your feelings as you won't see her in the sky. It's her dark moon time. Her Full Moon is on June 15, 2011 at 1:14 pm PDT. As these two times occur during Gemini's tenure on the zodiac stage, Gemini's energies will be greatly amplified by the Moon Goddess. This will enable Aquarius to help Gemini make the shift from the masculine twins to the feminine Goddess twins.

The Significance of Yin and Yang (Part One)

Complementary Opposites

If you study any aspect of oriental philosophy or culture you soon come across the terms 'yin' and 'yang'. These terms are used to describe the opposite yet complementary nature of iChi energy which ancient people understood to be present behind the manifestation of anything in nature - the creation of structures, actions, seasons, emotions and movement.

In I Ching Astrology the qualities of yin and yang lie behind the understanding of the cycles of change that we go through. These nine-year cycles are moving from yin to yang; this means from dormancy in winter (yin) through the active rising stage of spring to the consolidation stages of yang. Similarly, the principal numbers also contain yin/yang attributes.

Yang's nature is seen to emanate from the heavens and descend towards the earth. Conversely, yin's natural tendency is to rise and return towards the heavens. As yin's energy rises it becomes more diffused, and therefore slower and cooler, whereas yang's descending energy becomes more concentrated, harder, hotter and faster. The outcome of this process is that structures that are bigger are seen as more yin, while those that are smaller and more compact are seen as more yang.

Here is a list of some typical opposites associated with yin and yang.

Yin: passivity; coolness; stillness; potential energy (power); cool; introvert; diligent; cautious; maternal; insecure; dependent

Yang: activity heat; movement; power (obvious); self-conscious; passionate; extrovert; impulsive; stubborn; bold; paternal; adventurous; independent

Intermingled Concepts

An important principle to bear in mind is that nothing is totally yin and nothing is totally yang. The centuries-old yin/yang symbol, which everyone these days is familiar with, expresses this concept perfectly. The dark section of the yin/yang symbol is representative of yin, but within it is a small circle of the opposite (yang) from the left-hand side. If we were to look at a tree we could say that its leaves, branches and trunk represent the yin element in its structure and that the yang expression is within its downward-growing roots.

A spring onion has far more upward nature (yin) within its structure and far less root (yang); compares this with a carrot, which has a greater concentration of energy and structure within its root (yang) and less emphasis on the leaf structure (yin). Similarly, if our nature is predominantly spiritual or intellectual we are more yin than an individual who is practical and grounded, who would be seen as more yang.

People who are physically and emotionally flexible would be relatively more yin than people who are more rigid and inflexible. Nighttime, when we rest and are more passive, is traditionally understood as a more yin time, whereas the daylight hours when we are active and busy are seen as more yang. Winter, when it is colder and we are less active, is more yin than the summertime, when it is hotter and we are more outdoor and active.

In Part Two, which will be posted soon, Jon will explore the nature of yin/yang as it applies to nature and health.

Three Eclipses - How Will They Affect You?

The first eclipse is a partial solar eclipse on June 1st at 11 degrees of Gemini. This eclipse will greatly affect Gemini and Sagittarius, but it will also impact all the air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. That's because this eclipse is at a trine aspect to Saturn in Libra which is an air sign. If you've been working very assiduously towards your goals, you may find that you receive long overdue rewards for your efforts. Wherever this falls in your chart will indicate where you may receive acknowledgment for your hard work. If you haven't been focused enough, then you will have an opportunity to create a new structure in order to move forward in that life area more effectively.

The next eclipse is a total lunar eclipse on June 15th at 24 degrees Sagittarius. As this is a total eclipse rather than a partial one, this has even more power than the previous one in Gemini. There will be considerable changes in your life and you may be expected to learn something new, maybe learn some new skills, possibly move to a new area or even a different country. Try not to resist the changes and this eclipse will not disrupt your life too severely. On a global level, there could be issues with travel, technology, computers, cars, planes, trains, roads and general communications.

The last eclipse is a partial solar eclipse on July 1st at 9 degrees Cancer. This is potentially the most challenging of all three as it makes some difficult aspects with the other planets. It will greatly affect the cardinal signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra. Depending on where it falls in your chart it could mean relationship problems, changes in your relationships especially with your family. It could mean a move and financial challenges, even your health may be affected. There is also the potential for huge profits from a business and also to meet your soul mate. These energies are very powerful and have an affect for at least six months or longer.

Eclipses and What They Mean in Your Life: 
Look at your chart and see where the eclipse falls and you will have a period of about a year in which this life area will be stimulated. You will feel as though you don't have much choice, but you have to deal with issues facing you now and you cannot procrastinate any longer. There's usually a build up period of six months before the actual eclipse and consequences that need to be dealt with in the six months following the eclipse.

1st-7th house axis 
You need to find balance between your relationships and yourself. You will be facing issues around courage, confidence, and independence. Here are some possible outcomes: 
- An increased drive to take charge of your life. 
- A complete change of your personal appearance, your body, and your self image 
- You learn how to stand on your own two feet 
- You may marry or have a separation 
- A push to stronger identity and greater autonomy

2nd-8th house axis 
You'll want to find a balance between your own security needs and comfort with the needs of other people. Your finances come into sharp focus: 
- How well have you taken care of your finances? 
- Do you need to make some changes? 
- Are you spending more than you earn? 
- Are you relying on someone else for your security? 
- Prioritise your values and make sure you live in accordance with them 
- Take actions so that you can feel safer and more secure. You may learn that it's not necessarily material things that make you feel secure.

3rd-9th house axis 
Issues surrounding learning and sharing knowledge will come into focus. You may need to pay more attention to your immediate environment. Things you may face: 
- A need to become more active and involved in your immediate environment 
- Learn how to expand your horizons and look beyond your own world 
- Force yourself out of a rut and stale habit patterns 
- Start to communicate more effectively 
- Learn something new 
- Teach something new 
- Prioritize your values and ensure you are living according to those values 
- Make connections with people from an entirely different background than yours - either personal or business.

4th-10th house axis 
This involves issues about your public and your private life, as well as paying attention to your career and your family. You'll need to find ways to: 
- Strike a balance between home, security and family with the needs of your career, reputation and drive for success. 
- Take charge of your private life 
- Take charge of your career 
- Start a new career path 
- Balance the needs of home with work 
- You have to move state or country for your work 
- You may move home

5th-11th house axis 
This is about finding out what gives you pleasure and maybe turning a hobby into a business. You'll be reevaluating your friendships and the groups to which you belong. 
- A love affair may begin or end under this influence. 
- New contacts with others are likely 
- Try to take some risks especially with your creativity 
- Develop your self confidence - maybe take up acting or public speaking 
- Learn about working with others and being a team player 
- Consider contributing to your community - maybe volunteering

6th-12th house axis 
This is all about work, service and health - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It's a good time to: 
- Get more organised 
- Adapt your routines 
- Develop healthy habits and put some new structures into your life 
- Let go of your fears and old destructive habit patterns 
- Develop more compassion and understanding of others 
- Let go of your obsessions and your worries 
- Focus on the spiritual side of your life and go within for answers

Zodiac Sign - Virgo

Astrology has always been an interesting topic. Whether you follow it religiously, or read your horoscope for fun, there is a definite entertaining aspect to it. Although, even reading your sign as entertainment, there are some attributes that seem more than coincidental.

The sixth sign is Virgo. It is signified by Virgo the Virgin. It is unclear where the origins of the name come from. Yet, the virgin is in relation to the Virgin Mary. Pure and refined, they share the Virgin Mary's maternal instinct. Observant, those born under Virgo are at the happiest looking out for people.

Like Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, Virgo is a Mutable sign. A Mutable sign are seen as double-bodies. This is a result of the signs being in between seasons. In the case of Virgo, it bridges Summer and Autumn in the Northern hemisphere. Flipping between movable and fixed, they also retain an element of nature.

Traditionally, Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Mercury was known as the messenger of the gods to ancient Romans. Astrologically, the planet pertains to the mind, or mentality. Principles such as communication, rationality and reasoning are signified by the planet. Although, contemporary astrologers say Virgo is ruled by Ceres, a dwarf planet just further out than Pluto in the solar system. Its status is unknown in astrology at this time.

In the realm of jobs and careers, Virgo achieves well in any kind of care work. With traits such as the maternal instinct, a la Virgin Mary, along with a dependable nature and practicality. Of a modest nature, Virgo can take good care of others, without wanting to take overt credit.

As with anything else in life, Virgo does have a downside. Their modesty can make others question it as self-doubt. Modesty and shyness makes Virgo mistaken for introverts. Virgos can be too conservative for their own good. Getting tied up with every fine detail, they don't like the prospect of taking risks.

It is only in Western astrology that star signs are linked to the elements. In the case of Virgo, it is the element of Earth. Stability and grounding, such as with the Earth, also pertain to Virgo. Earth is a very "physical" element. With this, Earth signs, like Virgo, have desire and need for physical security. Earth signs share this desire for security with the Water signs.

Romantic compatibility runs deep throughout the Zodiac and astrology. How one star sign can relate to another is an intriguing area. Seeing that Virgo lends a dependable nature, they look for this in others. They can find this in the other Earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn. The Water signs of Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer work well with Virgo. Earth is seen to "guide" Water to its ultimate goal. In return Water signs mould or release emotions for Earth signs.

So, Virgo, it seems, may not be as introverted or conservative than they seem. Casual observers, they like to see if everyone is in check and happy. Though, they may not be the first one to take a risk.

Zodiac Sign - Taurus

Astrology has always been an interesting topic. Whether you follow it religiously, or read your horoscope for fun, there is a definite entertaining aspect to it. Although, even reading your sign as entertainment, there are some attributes that seem more than coincidental.

Taurus is the second of the Zodiac, represented by the Bull, the same Bull that was the basis for the myth of the Cretan Bull. The Taurean holds security in high esteem, in every sense of the word. Physical and mental security enables the creature comforts those born under Taurus desire. Enjoying the finer things in life means Taureans are accused of being materialistic.

Seen as one of the Fixed signs, Taurus enjoys stability, and displays determination and persistence. Seen as powerful and willing enough to achieve beyond what is expected. On the flipside, this some willingness can come across as single-minded, inflexible and even stubborn. Those born under a Fixed sign often fight to prove their right.

Venus rules over Taurus. Like the other Venus-ruled sign, Libra, Taurus seeks balance, harmony, and beauty. Associating with the urge to sympathize with, and unite, people. Venus somewhat allows a mix of romanticism and a hedonistic desire for pleasure and sensuality. Though, there's a longing for any kind of partnership. Be it romantic or business-based.

With their feet firmly on the ground, the Taurean acquires all kind of knowledge. With said knowledge, they can go out with a single-minded drive to achieve. Thus, Taureans are the most adaptable in regards to work and careers. Alas, they have proven best at creativity, and anything pertaining to it.

A negative side to Taurus is the hot-headed temperament. Another is their need for comfort does come across as selfish and materialistic. Despite being considered as a generous friend, the Taurean sees to their own security first before anyone else's.

With all this desire for comfort, it's easy to assume that Taurus is an Earth sign. Keeping level-headed comes easy for Earth signs. With their feet firmly on the ground, they are considered to be the salt of the earth. To note, Earth signs can be related to creation and making things grow.

Now, if you're a Taurean looking for romance, look no further than other Earth signs. Virgo and Capricorn share the qualities of being an Earth sign. The mutual level-headedness keeps an even keel. Also the Water signs of Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer shall bode well with you, also. The Water provides some mobility for the Earth.

So, it seems that Taurus brings security and comfort to those around. Both physical and mental, the Taurean brings stability to the table. Though, that's not before they have some to their selves first.

Zodiac Sign - Aries

Astrology has always been an interesting topic. Whether you follow it religiously, or read your horoscope for fun, there is a definite entertaining aspect to it. Although, even reading your sign as entertainment, there are some attributes that seem more than coincidental.

The first sign of the Zodiac comes in the form of Aries. The sign is represented by the Ram. Traditionally, the Golden Ram rescued Phrixos and led him to the land of Colchis. The ram symbolises strength and resilience. Allowing Arians to plough through anything that life throws at them. Alas, an abundance of energy and confidence flow through the typical Arian.

It is known that Aries is one of the Cardinal signs of the Zodiac. To which means it starts a change of temperate and season. In the case of Aries, it marks the start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Astrologers have noted that Cardinal signs are moveable. At least, in that the air changes when the Sun moves into the Cardinal sign.

Aries is seen to be ruled by the planet Mars. Sharing its name with the Roman god of war, there's a lot of similar traits with Arians. Confidence and self assertion are key traits here. Aggression, strength, energy, impulsiveness and ambition are also prevalent with Arians. To boot, Mars governs sports, which gives a competitive streak.

As such, Arians make for fantastic sportspeople. The physicality and drive for competition ensures success for those born under Aries. Even for all-out sports, but any situation involving competition. The kinetic nature pushes the Arian to strive for success.

Although, there's a negative aspect to Aries. Being so determined, there is also stubbornness. A fiery temper to boot, confidence levels may reach almost arrogant levels. Enough confidence to be good in leadership, but feel that only they should be there. So much so, they may come across controlling and demanding.

It is not surprising that Aries is a Fire sign. Ancient cultures associated fire with warmth and resourcefulness. With astrology, Fire denotes energy stoking the fiery personality within. Thus, this feeds into Aries being a "masculine" and positive, or extrovert, sign.

As with the Zodiac as a whole, Aries has certain romantic compatibilities. Other Fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius bode well with Aries. The fieriness of their temperament work well together. Although, to ensure neither fire is a dampened is necessary for an even relationship. Also, Aries works well with the Air signs, as air fuels fire. Alas, Water dampens and Earth smothers Fire, so these signs don't bode well with Arians.

In essence, Aries is a sign that won't back down. Insisting that it is right, especially in a competitive context. A competent leader, sure, but the Arian will do anything to become one.

Zodiac Sign - Gemini

Astrology has always been an interesting topic. Whether you follow it religiously, or read your horoscope for fun, there is a definite entertaining aspect to it. Although, even reading your sign as entertainment, there are some attributes that seem more than coincidental.

Let's look at the sign Gemini. The third astrological sign in the Zodiac, it is represented by The Twins. The Twins "themselves" symbolize a dual personality, of sorts. Like a coin, it denotes two sides of the same ego. Often flipping between the two sides, the Gemini will switch between the two polar extremes. Alas, keeping everyone else on their toes.

Gemini is one of the four Mutable signs. A Mutable sign pertains to being double-bodied. In that, it bridges two seasons. In the case of Gemini, it bridges Spring and Summer. Mutable signs are considered unstable, almost wavering and less strong-willed. Although, to counterbalance, Gemini is more adaptable and can deal with change easily.

It is considered that Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. As such, those born under Gemini are considered versatile and of high intelligence. A characteristic from this is being talkative. Being apt at communication allows the Gemini to talk themselves in and out of any situation. Alas, this leads to a love of socialising. Mingling and conversing with others is a prominent trait of the Gemini.

Studies have shown that the Gemini have an above average number working in Media. An area that allows creative growth and social situations a Gemini may crave. To boot, the Gemini are known to be persuasive sales reps. Both are areas that nurtures their multi-tasking and lively natures.

Alas, there is a downside. A Gemini is seen as a restless spirit. Always in the hunt for something new, to starve off quick boredom. Filled with a high nervous energy that can lead to stress and depression to the much-loved Gemini. It's almost being in a constant hunt for new, creative paths. Bordering on a daily habit.

Interesting to note that Gemini is an Air sign. Air being the element of movement. Everything is one the go, in perpetual growth. Like the ruling planet Mercury, Air is a symbol for intellectualism. It breeds the power of the mind, thus breeding many Gemini to be thinkers and communicators. Air also represents the freedom of speech. A side note, a fresh wind can indicate new beginnings.

Then there's the topic of romantic compatibility. It seems that, apart from other like-minded Gemini, they are compatible with Libra and Aquarius. Both of which are also Air signs, and of 'positive', or masculine, mindsets. The Fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius share common ground with the Gemini. Yet, alas, the relationship doesn't often run as deep as when with another Air sign.

So, it seems, that the Gemini is that person that won't shut up. But, they are too interesting for you to tell them otherwise. Durable and versatile, they can mould into any situation. For all their downfalls, this is a loveable sign to many.

Astrological Predictions for June 2011 - Understanding Your Sun Sign in Your Life

Fasten your seat-belt for a very busy month with many social interactions, meaningful communications, and new perspectives. The New Moon with five other planets in Gemini sets the tone for an inspiring social life and new friends. With the summer solstice we celebrate midsummer with the longest day and shortest night in the Northern Hemisphere. Tune into your message from the stars:

Aries (March 21 to April 20)
There is a lot of mental energy for you to direct into the proper channels if you don't want to end up a nervous wreck. There is so much creative potential for new ideas outside the mainstream paradigm waiting for you to grab and make use of them. Trust your inspiration.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
For you it is time to tap into and implement the stream of ideas flowing through your brain. Think about hooking up with your community in a new way. Sign up for a social network, review your marketing strategies, and integrate the internet world into your business plans.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
You are a communicator with a message and vision to share. Imagine divine inspiration flowing through you for the benefit of all. You find your voice to be stronger than ever. Show up for life and be a decisive leader.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
Your deep inner connection with your divine source will be your inspiration and guide. Taking time for yourself to smell the roses, to be in nature, or swim in the ocean are good ways to fill you up with good feelings of abundance and gratitude.

Leo (July 23 to Aug 22)
Finding like-minded soul mates on your journey through life is a great possibility this month. Within the social busyness keep your attention on the deeper level of compatibility through similar beliefs and values. Be the friend you would like to have.

Virgo (Aug 23 to Sept 22)
If you feel challenged by public speaking join the group Toastmaster and learn how to express yourself eloquently. It is time for you to really speak your truth openly, no holding back anymore. You will find public recognition beyond anything you expected. But if you don't show up to the party nobody will have a chance to dance with you.

Libra (Sept 23 to Oct 22)
Expand your horizons, apply yourself, and study. Flexibility in your thinking, seeing the bigger picture, and enjoying the feeling of inner growth will give you joy and fun. Travel could be on your agenda. There could be sudden surprises in your relationships.

Scorpio (Oct 23 to Nov 22)
Communication from your inner truth with compassion and honesty is asked of you. Relationship issues cannot be shoved under the table anymore. If you plant the seeds of deep honesty and allow your own vulnerability you will thrive with your mate.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 to Dec 20)
You want to share your adventures and ideas with your close friends and lover to experience them more deeply. Shared joy is doubled. Include your partner in your vision if you plan to travel. Discuss your expectations and enjoy the ride.

Capricorn (Dec 21 to Jan 19)
You have taken on too many responsibilities. Something has to give. To keep your sanity and inner balance try on the metaphor of the dance of life. Be easy, flow with the challenges, allow yourself to be a bit more flighty and interested in many things. Life has a way of working out no matter what.

Aquarius (Jan 20 to Feb 18)
It is time for you to be a leader and share your gifts. You might have to sharpen your verbal skills and self-confidence. Finding the right words for a situation goes a long way. Playful relationships and meetings, especially with the opposite sex, will give you a feeling of being deeply alive and connected.
Pisces (Feb 19 to Mar 20)
Go with the flow this month. Your main task will be inner work. Issues with your family need loving attention and your presence. Stand up for yourself, express your needs and wishes. True communication comes from the heart and acknowledges our oneness.

How Do The Eclipses Influence Our Karmic Destiny?

ECLIPSES have exited the SAGITTARIUS-GEMINI AXIS: May 3rd, 2011


Any of you with a lot of Gemini or Sagittarius planets have cause to celebrate! For the past 18 months the eclipses have been causing massive stress for you. On May 3rd, this cycle completed. Be very conscious now as this cycle completes.

Being familiar with your own chart gives you so much of an advantage in knowing how to manage your life. For those of you who know that the eclipses have been activating your karma and have moved into surrender and humility, I salute you.

The most difficult time of any cycle is usually the very end. You know that the end is near, but you are not yet into the new paradigm. The Divine will very often throw a cosmic karmic test at you at this point.


Now is time to take stock of the past 18 months. If you have been experiencing this transit, you may look back on the past 18 months may have been the most intense you can recall.

Be reminded that you are here because your soul chose to be here. Deal with your ego.

Did you learn your karmic lesson?
Did you surrender and let go and forgive?
Did you complete projects or come to terms that you will never.
Did you move deeper into integrity with your word?
Did you adopt a new form of discipline that you know creates a better life?
Did you grow from letting go or did you grow from taking it on?
Did you do what you said you wanted to do?
The first premise of the foundation of the Vedas, Yoga is Yamas, is Ahimsa.


Non-harming. Before we can move into any level of higher consciousness we must adopt the attitude of not harming ourselves. If we get into the habit of loving ourselves with so much care and love, we will do the same for others and then out planet. Move into this each moment. Just forgive yourself over and over and over again and keep moving into this!


Be gentle with yourself. Make peace. Take time to journal and meditate as you leave this cycle behind you to begin another. The eclipses are most powerful.

This is a reminder for you to stop and reflect before it passes.

This is also an excellent time to have a reading so you know whether or not the next round of eclipses will affect you.

You cannot avoid them, but understanding what is happening makes ALL the difference.

Taurus Cow Goddess Message

My man, Taurus the Bull, was always transmitting messages about safety and security, especially at a physical level. "Stock up on food, water, keep your gas tank filled up, have money on hand, your papers in order, be ready to leave at a moment's notice. You never know when there will be a natural or manmade disaster and you want to be prepared for any crisis that could occur."

Being Safe Emotionally
Being safe and secure are also messages that I'm sending to you, but more from the emotional perspective. It is feelings and intuitive abilities that you will be fully developing during the Goddess of Love's reign that is being expressed through a matriarch inspired era. It's quite an enthralling time ahead as you learn how to play your feelings consciously, much like a gifted pianist runs her fingers adroitly over a piano.

Actress Within You
For now, know that your emotional nature is designed to express feelings so everyone can easily identify the role it is acting out. Your feelings most often keep you playing the same roles over and over again like a broken record without becoming conscious of the fact. You may sometimes ask yourself, "Why am I repeating the same role over and over again, I know better." Think of your emotional nature as the actress within you clamoring to jump up on the emotional stage and play her part. The more familiar the script, the more she likes it.

Three Basic Emotional Roles
There's really only three basic emotional roles: victim, villain or heroine. So, why would your emotional nature head for a victim role? Actually it's not at all a despised role for your emotional nature. The pain, grief and suffering that can be expressed through the victim role can be so heart-wrenchingly dramatic.

Victim Role Seductive
The victim role is such a seductive role. Through the hurt and suffering that you endure, you can tap into your seductive, tender sensuality that makes the agony worthwhile. Hard-core victims wait until misfortune strikes so many times that even they can't help noticing that something must be wrong.

I'm the Victim, You're the Villain
In a relationship conflict, both parties usually try to convince each other they are the victim. The thought is, the victim role is the only safe role, while pointing the finger at the other one as the villain.

You Will Not Be Safe
So what do emotional roles have to do with safety? It will not make any difference how much you prepare at a physical level for a catastrophe or a crisis, if your emotional nature loves to express itself through the victim role, you will not be safe. You'll end up in your usual role, the victim.

Life Looks Unfair
Let me ask you, "Are there enough heroes to go around, or are there more people heading for the victim and villain roles which emotionally are so much more juicy than a perceived staid heroine role?" That's why life looks unfair, not enough heroines to save all the victims and triumph over all the villains.

You Become the Heroine
If you want to be safe, you'll need to learn how to play your feelings just like the pianist plays the notes. When you catch your emotional nature expressing itself as the victim, you become the heroine she's crying to save her. Don't try to reason with her with facts and figures, rational reasoning does not work. Instead get involved, play the role of the heroine to the hilt but like in an exaggerated play. "Oh, damsel in distress, let me save you. You're my love, here's a tissue to wipe your furrowed brow. Do you need to cry my love?" Not snide, not nasty, just really "campy", fun.

Break Hypnotic Trance
You're after breaking the hypnotic trance your emotional nature is stuck in and you're doing it in a caring way with humor. Then get her to help you, cook, care for the animals, water the plants, whatever that would get her into the heroine role also, being helpful. You may be surprised, your emotional nature is actually happy playing all three starring roles, it's the feelings that she wants to express. Help her this zodiac year become truly masterful at expressing herself through the caring heroine role.

Victims and Money
Be realistic, no self respecting victim will ever be caught with money. As soon as she gets it, she has to get rid of it, either spending it on things foolishly or letting someone take it from her. To train your emotional nature how to become a heroine in the matriarch era, you'll need to become good at business but in a whole different way. Home based network marketing is a natural, where to succeed you definitely must express carrying which automatically thrusts you into the heroine role and out of the victim role. Passive, residual income made through duplicating yourself many times is the matriarch way.

Understand the Numbers
Get involved! Each and every zodiac month, there will be a new skill to develop, so your emotional nature will not get bored for even a moment. This zodiac month, it's the compensation plan, the numbers you need to understand. Otherwise you will be a naïve, gullible hero which will land you back in the victim role way too soon.

Astrology Forecast for June 2011 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs

We have 2 eclipses this month bringing changes, and we may see some good luck and creative energy during the first half of June. But, as this month progresses, we could encounter problems and unexpected emergencies. We will actually have 3 eclipses this summer with the final one on July 1st. June could be a month of transition and spiritual hurtles. Try to be prepared for anything, and don't press your luck.

The month begins with a new moon solar eclipse in Gemini singing in harmony with Saturn on June 1st. This will be an excellent time for changes in business, or some may just be ready to make some practical changes at home. The eclipse will be the major influence for change, but we also have 2 outer planets influencing changes. Neptune will be turning retrograde on June 3rd, and Jupiter will enter Taurus on June 4th. Those with dominate Pisces in their charts may find that the changes upon them are difficult and upsetting. Sagittarius and Taurus may discover that there are opportunities for fortune in their grasp.

The week of June 6th looks very promising with two outer planets, Jupiter and Neptune, singing in harmony. My Llewellyn Calender calls it, "mystical inspiration." It will be an excellent week for creative projects and romantic encounters, but Venus will be angry with the lineup. Taurus and Libra may need to watch out for delusions or confusion. Because these two planets are sitting on the cusps, there could be some heroic moments. Keep the cape handy, because someone may need to be rescued.

Sunday, June 12th could be a day of inspiration with Saturn turning direct, Mercury joining the Sun, and Venus singing with Uranus. Things could turn out better than we planned on that day, but with an approaching lunar eclipse on June 15th, there could also be some unexpected issues to deal with. This eclipse will be a total lunar eclipse and will not be viewable from the US. Nonetheless, it will still affect us. There could be changes in travel, or some could have unexpected problems with their cars. This eclipse could also affect siblings, neighbors, and even higher education and institutions.

There could be a few more upsets on Fathers' Day and on through the first few days of the week of June 19th. Mercury and Pluto will be at a standoff on Sunday, which could cause some of us to put our feet in our mouths. Think before you speak, because there is a potential for quarrels. Mars will be in a battle with Neptune through June 22nd, and this may really drain our energy. Laziness could become pandemic. Some may reach for their addictions to cope. The Sun will move in to appease Mars and Neptune on May 22nd, so there could be some positive results from our efforts. Things will improve as we approach the weekend, and good-luck could be shining upon us once again.

The week of June 26th could bring more upsets and mistakes with the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto at a T-square. There could be arguments, accidents, and even thefts. But Mars will be appeasing Uranus, so if we don't let things get us down, we may just find success in the long run.

We will have one more eclipse this summer on Friday, July 1st, so June could quite probably end with turmoil. July looks much more serene. Check back next month to find out more.

What the Day of Your Birth Says About You

Numerology is the ancient art and science of numbers. This clandestine science offers profound insight into a person's life. Birthdate is a fun and powerful place to start learning about the significance of your own numbers.

At the moment, we are only concerned with the actual day of your birth (i.e. someone born on March 7, 1969 will only look at the day of birth, in this case, he or she is a 7). If your birthdate falls on a two-digit number, like the 27th, for example, you must reduce it to a single digit (1-9). For someone born on the 27th, you would add the 2 and the 7 to get 9 (2+7=9). Got it? Good. Find your number below and see what your number has to say about you.

**This is only a tiny glimpse into what numbers can reveal about the self. More to come soon.

One: People born on dates 1, 10, 19 and 28. People that have 1 as their number are greatly esteemed, bold, hardworking, persevering, trustworthy and honest. You have a strong talent for leadership from birth. You make friends easily and quickly; you will be well-known in society by the many who admire your actions and qualities. You love a life of beauty, good tastes and good manners. You do not like disarray, laziness or slackness. Naturally adventurous at heart, be careful when taking risks regarding finances. If you're a 1, you know you're physically attractive and have a charismatic personality to match, work it.

Lucky color: Yellow, especially golden-yellow. Wear this color if you're sick to promote a speedy recovery.

Love and relationships: Persons having 1, 4 or 7 as their birth date number are good partners for you.

Two: People born on dates 2, 11, 20 and 29. Imaginative and flighty, people with 2 as their number are much stronger mentally than physically. As a result, such people prove more successful in mental vocations than in works requiring physical labor and exertion. You live to serve others and are hardly capable of saying "no" as you are a gentle and merciful soul. You are well-versed in the art of making others fall in love with you and make acquaintances in no time. You have an innate ability to listen to your intuition and read the mind of other people. Living near rivers, lakes, oceans or anywhere with water will be lucky for you.

Lucky color: Light green will increase your mental power. White clothes tend to increase your luster and valor. Try to avoid black, blue and purple.

Love and relationships: Other 2's can prove to be good friends. You are lucky for each other.

Three: People born on dates 3, 12, 21 and 30. This number is indicative of power, boldness and strength. Religious at heart but not necessarily tied to conventional religion, 3's are in tune with their spiritual side. Ambitious, wise, and liberal-minded, even in the heat of anger you still maintain your discretion and wisdom. Blessed with the gift of gab and irrefutable logic you win over people with your sweet talking. You are a lover of discipline and like others to observe the rules of discipline as you. You like money and status and would do well in law and education.

Lucky color: Yellow, purple, blue and pink are good for you. Try to keep some yellow on you at all times for good luck.

Love and relationships: Other 3's make good partners for you. People with 6, 9, 15, 18, 24 and 27 as their birth date can also prove to be the best of friends.

Four: People born on dates 4, 13, 22 and 31. Fours are known to go from one extreme to another. Your life is marked by sudden and unexpected ups and downs. You can be very fickle and change your mind from one minute to another. You know how to keep secrets. Extremely indecisive. You can be aggressive and may turn people off by instilling fear in your subordinates. You think it's your right to break the rules. You can be selfish and intolerant but if you work on saying kind things to others and work on being independent, you will surely go far.

Lucky color: Blue, khaki and gray may prove beneficial for you.

Love and relationships: Other 4's can easily become your friends and lovers.

Five: People born on dates 5, 14 and 23. Five is a number full of thinking power: new arguments, modern thoughts, wonderful scheming and planning with irresistible logic and unique understanding, your mind is always going a mile a minute. You are never lonely because you are so good at winning others over and making close friends. Travel is lucky for you. You are able to adapt to any situation and respected by all. You will always look younger than your true age and stay fit and strong even when you're aged and decrepit. Your friends are friends for life. Your knowledge of many different subjects makes you always interesting to be around. You are really lucky to be a 5, own it.

Lucky color: Light green, white, and gray are conducive to your well-being and comfort.

Love and relationships: Other 5's are good for you. 1's and 3's make good partners for you too.

Six: People born on dates 6, 15 and 24. Some of the most attractive people fall under this number. You know how to dress and like to be surrounded by beauty. You cannot stand disorder, uncleanliness, and poor etiquette. With a tendency to be materialistic, you spend money freely and generously. People that are 6's are healthy, powerful, smiling and known to be quite sensual. You are also quite an aesthete with an eye for style and appreciation for all of the arts. You are not confrontational preferring to compromise over arguing.

Lucky color: Light blue, pink, yellow and white are highly beneficial colors for you. Wear white to greatly increase your personal influence.

Love and relationships: People with 3 or 9 as their number will make great friends for you.

Seven: People born on dates 7, 16 and 25. Sevens are signified by their compassion, tolerance and cooperation. You are cool, calm and collected. Sevens are also known to be gentle and imaginative. You are straightforward and know how to keep it real. You love water and travel and will find great fortune in these. You are an original thinker and 7's are often found philosophizing, writing poetry and making discoveries in the sciences. You are not only lucky but those who come in contact with you become lucky too. You are truly a unique individual and have a memorable and magnetic personality, use it for the greater good as this fits your altruistic inclinations.

Lucky color: White really suits you but light blue is even better and promotes positive energy in your life.

Love and relationships: People that are 7's or 1's will be your truest friends. Especially if they are born in January or February.

Eight: People born on dates 8, 17 and 26. The number 8 is the number of confidence. Your life is so full of life-changing events that it may be difficult for people to understand you fully. You have a meditative nature and like to work without creating a ruckus but when people see what you've been working on, they are sure to be astonished. Eight is an airy number and so is the 8 personality. You can be gentle like a breeze when in a good spirits but if you get angry or temperamental you become like a destructive tornado. You have a no bullshit attitude but inside you're a real softy.

Lucky color: Black, blue, gray and purple are lucky colors for you. Try to keep something black with you at all times to ward off obstacles and worries.

Love and relationships: Other 8's will be good friends to you. Also, people born on 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 26 are helpful for you.

Nine: People born on dates 9, 18 and 27. The number 9 is really something else. Nines are shining personalities, fiercely burning and full of light and intensity. People born under the number 9 are fearless, daring and often quite stubborn. Though full of adventure and bravery, it is important you take good care of yourself while you're young as 9's health really deteriorates with age. You can be very impatient and this leads to frequent misunderstandings. Always willing to lay down your life for the sake of honor as you are a distinguished personality. Nines are destined for greatness if you can steer clear of negative thoughts and actions such as gossiping and whining.

Lucky color: Red and pink are lucky for you

Love and relationships: Other 9's are good friends for you.